Camperdown Memorial Amentities

Camperdown Memorial Amenities
CLIENT: inner west council
Country: eora nation
location: camperdown, nsw
Photography: Brett boardman
Lahznimmo were engaged by Inner West Council in 2021 after winning a Shortlisted competition for the design of the new Camperdown Memorial Rest Park Amenities. The park, formerly a cemetery, presented unique challenges in the form of coordinating gravesites, reticulating services coupled with tight budget and program timing constraints.
Existing site factors, both from a historic and functional standpoint, were key to the design intent. It’s location, orientation and relationship to the northern hill of the park, dubbed internally as one of the Inner West’s “great urban living rooms” was critical. The starting diagram was a simple dialogue with the strong built character of the park, the large sandstone wall and church spire providing a clear language of horizontals and verticals. These ideas then gave way to a rationalised form addressing the key components of an amenities. The vertical element, an urban marker, provides light and air, and the horizontal element providing shelter and an address back to the park. Materiality is comprised of glazed brick, compressed fibre cement cladding and white painted steel.