Taronga Zoo Tiger Trek

Taronga Sumatran Tiger Trek
Client: Taronga Conservation Society
country: eora nation
Location: mosman, nsw
Project Value: $12.5 Million
Completed: 2017
Photography: Brett Boardman
Project Sheet: download
The Sumatran Tiger Trek is a significant new exhibit within Taronga Zoo, and is the first of the new masterplan projects which mark the Zoo’s centenary.
The Sumatran Tiger is considered to be critically endangered, with numbers as low as 400 remaining. The two major threats to the survival are habitat destruction and poaching. The rapid agricultural growth on the island of Sumatra, particularly for palm oil plantations and timber has reduced the area of habitat available to the tiger. Taronga Zoo is part of a regional conservation management plan for Sumatran Tigers including breeding, fundraising, and research and community action to support sustainable Palm Oil.
The new Sumatran Tiger Trek aims to be both entertaining and informative such that visitors will emerge with a deep, visceral, emotional connection that will translate into positive, engaged activism when they leave the zoo. The new Exhibit and Visitor Experience occupies an area of 2,000sqm with 3 x 500sqm tiger enclosures, interpretive visitor trails, buildings and exhibits, and new back-of-house offices and tiger dens.
The design and consultation process for this new exhibit began in 2010 with the Studio Hanson/ Roberts Concept Design. The Concept design was then developed by Jon Coe Design (2014), with the lahznimmo design and consultant team being awarded the Tender to develop the design in August 2014.