City Hill and Northbourne Ave Masterplan

City Hill and Northbourne Avenue Masterplan
Client: Department of Land & Property Services, ACT Govt
Country: ngunawal nation
location: city hill, act
Completed: 2012
Project Sheet: download
lahznimmo architects and Spackman Mossop Michaels Landscape Architects, were engaged as head consultants by the ACT Government, Economic Development Directorate in April 2011 to prepare a Master Plan for the Northbourne Avenue and City Hill Precinct.
The master plan builds on the initiatives of the Griffin Legacy, in particular Amendment 59 to the National Capital Plan - City Hill Precinct.
The project proposes several key objectives:
Narrowing the median between lanes of Northbourne Avenue to create wider pedestrian spaces and a new Urban Square between the Sydney and Melbourne buildings;
Creating a direct pedestrian link between City Hill and the Northbourne Avenue median
Realize the potential of City Hill as a major public park.
Coordinating the extensions of Constitution and Edinburgh Avenue to Vernon Circle.